Flow Cytometry Biosafety

Flow Cytometry Biosafety

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This course will provide a summary of biosafety principles as they apply to flow cytometry and cell sorting and give an overview of applicable standards and risk assessment. Topics covered include:

  1. Biosafety principles and procedures.
  2. Understanding risk assessment.
  3. Instrument-specific standard operating procedures (SOPs).
  4. Biosafety in cell sorting.
  5. Containment testing.


Kevin Holmes

Steve Perfetto

Hank Pletcher

Ingrid Schmid

Learning Objectives

At the completion of this course, students will have a clearer understanding of the principles and practices of biosafety as it pertains to flow cytometry, in particular cell sorting. Additionally, you will have a list of resources to aid in risk assessment and the development of standard operating procedures in your own lab. 

CMLE Credit: 1.0


Flow Cytometry Biosafety
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package. Online, self-paced course presented by Kevin Holmes, Steve Perfetto, Hank Pletcher, and Ingrid Schmid
CMLE Evaluation Form
11 Questions
11 Questions CMLE Evaluation Form
Completion Credit
1.00 CMLE credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CMLE credit  |  Certificate available
International Society for the Advancement of Cytometry Cell Sorter Biosafety Standards [Article]
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Open to download resource.