You must have an active account with ISAC to register for CYTO Virtual 2020. If you already have an account, please log in with your ISAC username and password to the left of the screen to continue. This is the same username and password you would use to log into ISAC’s website or CYTO U. If you don't yet have an account with ISAC, you will be asked to create one during the CYTO Virtual 2020 registration process after clicking on the blue "REGISTER NOW" button below, which will open in a new tab. Once you've created your account on the ISAC website, simply navigate back to this tab and enter your new username and password to continue. You may need to refresh the page.

Your registration price for the event is determined by your membership status with ISAC:
Registration includes unlimited access to the two-day virtual event and all content for up to 30 days after the conference has ended. Content includes live and on-demand presentations from industry professionals, a virtual exhibit hall with 90 exhibitor booths, community building and networking with conference attendees and exhibitors, over 200+ posters, commercial and scientific tutorials, CMLE credits, and more!
Members (Full)
All current Full members of ISAC are eligible to register for CYTO at the discounted Member rate of $150. If you are unsure of your membership status, please log in to ISAC’s website to check your member profile or email membership@isac-net.org for confirmation.
The non-member registration fee of $275 provides you with Full membership in ISAC for 2020, including an electronic subscription to Cytometry Part A. Non-member accounts with ISAC are free and open to all.
Student Members
Students who are current members of ISAC are eligible for the reduced Student Member rate of $75. Postdoctoral fellows, hospital residents, and interns do not qualify as students. You must upload a copy of your valid student ID when creating an ISAC Student account.
Student Non-members
Students with expired ISAC memberships are eligible for the reduced Student Non-member rate of $100. This includes a renewal of your Student membership until the end of 2020. Please note this option is not available for new accounts.
SRL Jr. Staff Members
SRL Jr. Staff who are current members of ISAC are eligible for the reduced SRL Jr. Staff rate of $75. SRL Jr. Staff may register at the reduced rate no more than three times over the course of his/her career. You must uploaded a letter of verification from your SRL head when creating an ISAC SRL Jr. Staff account.
SRL Jr. Staff Non-members
SRL Junior Staff with expired ISAC memberships are eligible for the reduced SRL Jr. Staff Non-member rate of $100. This includes a renewal of your SRL Jr. Staff membership until the end of 2020. Please note this option is not available for new accounts.
Notification of cancellation must be submitted to the ISAC in writing prior to July 31, 2020. Cancellations received by July 31, 2020 will be subject to a $25 non-refundable processing fee. No refunds will be issued after July 31, 2020. Please send cancellation request by email to registration@cytoconference.org
By registering for this event, I provide consent that my profile will be stored with ISAC and shared with processors for the purpose of doing business with ISAC. I consent to receiving announcements from ISAC and that I can opt-out at any time by contacting ISAC. In addition, I consent to ISAC sharing my profile information to set up an account on the event app and that I may opt out at any time by contacting ISAC. I am also aware that my profile information will be provided to event exhibitors and sponsors and that I may opt out of communications with them at any time by directly contacting the corresponding company. I also hereby understand and agree to the privacy policy provided on ISAC-net.org.
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