BD Biosciences Commercial Tutorial
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High-throughput single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) has transformed our ability to study complex and heterogeneous cell populations, while platforms such as the BD Rhapsody™ Single-Cell Analysis System allow researchers to profile tens of thousands of single cells simultaneously. In addition to whole transcriptome and targeted mRNA profiling, recent advances such as BD® AbSeq Oligonucleotide-Conjugated Antibodies allow researchers to examine 100+ proteins alongside RNA in the same assay. With the release of BCR/TCR receptor profiling, the BD Rhapsody can now analyze an even wider repertoire of molecules from the same cell. Here we showcase multiomics approaches to identifying and studying cell populations, pairing gene expression, protein expression and immune-repertoire information from the same cells in a single assay. Together these solutions can be harnessed to answer complex and important biological questions.

Maggie Nakamoto, PhD
Manager Single-Cell Multiomics Applications, BD Biosciences

Madhuri Ganta