Rapid Advancements Using High Sensitivity, Full Spectrum Flow Cytometry - CYTEK
Recorded On: 08/04/2020
- Registration Closed
New Title: Cytek Aurora Full Spectrum Flow Cytometry: Paving New Roads to Scientific Discovery
With the full spectrum technology onboard the Cytek® Aurora and Northern Lights, never before have we seen such high-sensitivity, high-parameter data from a fluorescence-based flow cytometer. Over the past 3 years, Cytek Biosciences has been expanding possibilities in our current fluorochrome-limited world through internal R&D, close collaboration with flow cytometry reagent companies, and through our growing community of users. Together, we have applied these new possibilities to meet today’s application needs.By exploring the full spectrum emitted from each fluorochrome, we have unlocked a more comprehensive and in-depth assessment of how these fluorochromes interact in a variety of applications; this knowledge has enabled our users to design experiments revealing biological populations that previously could not be easily resolved using fluorescence-based flow cytometry. We have also built a variety of tools that enable users to better evaluate compatibility and usability of fluorochromes together in a panel.Join us to learn more about how the Cytek® Aurora and Northern Lights measure the full spectrum emitted from each cell, allowing for expanded performance on an increasing number of applications.

Richard Davis, MD
MD Anderson Cancer Center

Monica DeLay, SCYM(ASCP)CM
US Manager - Technical Application Support, Cytek Biosciences
After graduate school, Monica quickly found her passion for flow cytometry using a FACScan in her first lab in the department of Rheumatology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. In 2008, she created and managed the Research Flow Cytometry Core at Cincinnati Children’s. Over the next ten years she helped facilitate the growth of the core in instrumentation, infrastructure, staff and clientele. She became very active in the cytometry community by co-founding a local cytometry organization, joining the Flow Cytometry Research Group through the Association for Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF) and serving on ISAC Council from 2014-2018. In addition, she served as a member of the organizing committee for the Core Managers workshop for GLIIFCA, chaired the ISAC SRL Services Committee and served on other ISAC committees. She remains a member of the ISAC Membership Services Committee. Most recently she found her passion steer towards industry and joined Cytek Biosciences to help support customers that are using the Aurora spectral cytometer. She is now the US Manager of Application Support, leading a team of talented Applications Specialists for Cytek.

Maria Jaimes, MD
Director of Applications, Cytek Biosciences